Saturday, March 24, 2007


The last city I visited in Japan was Nara. The place we went to was the Nara Temple, where they had deers running ALL over the place. The deers are mostly fat and not afraid of people at all. There were stalls nearby selling food (or rather crackers) that we can buy.
Some had pretty backsides... hehe.... also, there are these people going around cleaning up their feces, which actually looked like little pebbles.
This is the temple entrance
These people are lighting up joss sticks to give thanks to the buddha.
Pretty ya ?
This is where people are allowed to wash their hands after touching the deers.
This is the biggest bronze sculpture in the world. It was HUGE.

This is a beautiful replica of the temple. Wonder if it is also coated in gold since it was so shiny and bright.
This hole is for people to crawl through, especially if you have any wishes to make.
People buy these plaques to write down their wishes
Both Ange and myself had a go at getting a "chim" from this. It was in English so I could understand what was written. I got a "Good Luck" and she got a "Best Luck".
People with sickness are supposed to touch this idol, depending on where your pain is, after which you are supposed to be healed.

Ange lighting a joss stick.
Plum blossoms in full bloom
Close up of the deer
A lake with one or two ducks

We bought home some ingredients for Ange to cook. Why not me ? Hehe... I dunno how to cook.
Fried veges.....
The salad she made was YUMMY
She also fried beef cubes.
Lastly, she made lobak soup.... yummy meal... Was so full that night.

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