Sunday, September 30, 2007

Major Trouble - Part 6

18th September (evening)

We left the hospital after the FNAC and went back to my sis’ house. At 5pm, we were back in UM for my MRI scan. Unfortunately, because of the earlier FNAC, I was told that the MRI scan may reflect some dark spots due to blood flow from the FNAC procedure. However, I was still allowed to go ahead with the MRI scan.

The doctor then pokes a drip needle onto the back of my left hand. It was PAINFUL ! After a while, it began to swell up slightly. Again, a syringe filled with something was placed in the drip needle, and held with plaster. Then I was asked to change into the hospital gown.

Luckily I managed to change without requiring any help. Can you imagine how difficult it was, having to get out of a long sleeve top WITHOUT dislodging the needle and syringe ? It was quite a feat, I can tell you. I had to get my sis to tie up the gown at the back though. Can’t do it at all by myself.

Then I was asked to lie down on the MRI scan bed. I was asked to close my eyes, and if possible go to sleep. I was also told not to move AT ALL when the scan begins, otherwise they’d have to do it all over again. Easy for them to say !

Thank God I wasn’t claustrophobic because the machine gives you that feeling. Also, there are lots of banging and clanking and buzzing. It’s a very noisy machine. I can just fit the machine on the sides, it was that small. Whether there’s a lot of space in front of my face, I wouldn’t know, because my eyes were closed.

After about 20-30 minutes into the procedure, the radiologist came into the room and told me that he “had to adjust the space”. He also shot me with whatever that was in the syringe.

Then everything started over again. All in, I was there for slightly over an hour, but by the end of it, my left hand hurts, my head hurts because I had tied my hair and the knot was digging into the back of my head, yet I can’t move for fear or having to endure it another 30 minutes !

I was sweating because I ache all over the body having to stay in the same position for such a long time. Finally, I hear him come into the room and got me out of the MRI machine. He also pulled out the drip needle, and then asked me to go change.

So, at the end of the day, my face hurts from the FNAC procedure, my hand hurts from the drip needle, and worst thing is, my wallet hurts because I had to pay about RM1.4k for these 2 procedures !

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