Thursday, September 27, 2007

Major Trouble - Part 4

13th September (evening)

Right after the consultation from the Pantai doctor, sis called UM to try and make an appointment with the ENT specialist, and was told that we can go see Professor Preba at 5pm, at the UM Specialist Centre (UMSC).

So after a trip to Ikea with my niece, we went back to her house. My sis and niece then accompanied me to see the Professor at UMSC. We reached there around 5:50pm, and registration was a breeze ! All I had to do was give them my MyKad, and they stuck it into the reader and got the information from the smart chip. Barely 1 minute.

After about 10 minutes, we were called to the Professor’s consultation room. He had the same diagnosis for me, but he advised me to do a MRI scan to determine the actual size and location of the tumour, and also FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology), a sort of biopsy without actually having to “cut me up”, to determine whether it’s benign or malignant.

He also said that it will be a major operation, and that he will transfer me to the Government side for the operation instead of doing it under UMSC because the cost is lower, more doctors are on standby, and there will be many equipments and facilities available for them should they be required during my operation.

Seems that the tumour is growing up my head, and is now already at the base of the skull. And it is HUGE. Hey, no pain ma. How I know it's growing so big in there !??!!!

So I was to go back to UM on 18th September to do the FNAC and MRI, then on 26th September, I can collect the FNAC report when I go see the Professor again.

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