I am soooooo sick. Yesterday morning woke up and was feeling a bit feverish. I took one of those flat termometers and place it on my forehead to check if I am really having fever, but those things seemed to light up almost all the numbers, and I started sweating again (usually signs of no fever lar), so I decided to go to work.
When I reached the office, I was still feeling hot and sweaty so thought I could last through the day, but by 9am, I was already feeling feverish. After the morning meeting, I really couldn't stand it any more. I was not only feeling cold, I was also drinking many cups of hot water just to keep warm.
I told my boss that I want to go on MC and took the LRT back home. Then I went to the clinic to see the doc, who told me that I need to rest for 2 days, thus he gave me 2 days' MC. Went home, took the medicine, then went to lullabye land. It was also diet day, coz all I had was 3 spoonfuls of porridge and 1 cup of tea in the morning, and hardly 1 spoonful of loh mai kai for my lunch.
Well, I woke up around 7pm. then took some rice, vege and fish for dinner. After that, added a small bowl of soup. Normally that meal can't even fill up 1/4 my stomach. Then came torture time. After resting about 1/2 hour, had to take the pills again. I reallllly hate pills, but no choice. So took the pills, then watch Astro until 11:30pm, decided to go sleep.
Unfortunately, probably due to the aircond, until 3-4 am I was still feeling feverish. I took the fever pills again, and switch to fan instead of aircond. After that I felt much better, especially when I began sweating. Never felt so happy in my life to sweat so much !
Well, this morning after breakfast, fever acted up again. I took the pills and am now in the "sweaty mode". Hopefully the fever will not recur, otherwise I will have to go check whether it's denggi ! Scary thoughts.........
Wish me good health ya.