Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Looks Like I've Got Greenfingers After All ......

During CNY 2007, I brought a small pot of plant to my office. It's a "get-rich-tree" (fatt choy shue). Well, after some time, I noticed that the back of the leaves had some black spots. I asked Mom and she said that probably the plant is having some sort of disease, and may die soon. Well, I decided to let it determine whether it wants to live or die.

Anyway, as adviced, I only water it like once a week or in five days, depending on my mood. Sometimes I put in a lot of water, until the holding plate is full, other times I only pour some into the soil.

But then, few days back, I saw a new shoot growing from the middle, and yesterday, leaves started coming out. Hahaha...... so today I took some photos of it. Hopefully, like its namesake, it will make its owner "FATT", not "FAT" ! Hehehehe.......

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